Participation rules:
- You and your co-authors agree with the Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement of the ISEIC.
- Submit research paper formatted in respect to our conference article template.
- If you agree with the rules above, fill the Registration Form.
- Disclose all related conflicts of interest in the Registration Form or in a separate email using ISEIC C.O.I. form (editable Word DOCX, PDF) sent to In case there is no COI, tick the “No conflict of interests apply for any and all authors of the submitted paper” in the Registration Form.
- Pay The Conference Participation Fee when your paper is accepted (you will receive an email when we will inform you about topic acceptance*) till March 20.
- Add to your address book so you always receive an email from us otherwise, it may end up in the spam folder, and you may miss it.
*- even after the acceptance of the topic we will ask you to update your article to match all publishing requirements (typically language and formatting details). We will also ask you for updates based on reviews of your article.
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